

Chase curiosity

Find interetsing topics to learn about, taught by instructors who care and love the content they teach.

Meet fun characters

Courses are written with interesteing characters and stories to keep you engaged and entertained.

Learn stuff

Who knows - perhaps you might learn something while you're here! Is that the worst way to spend an evening?

Chase curiosity

We provide complete courses that help people learn new things. We curate content that is unique, fun and personalized to your interests. Our goal is to teach in a way that is accessible to all ages, especially younger folks that aren't quite sure what they want to do with their life yet.

Fun instructors

Our courses are led by industry experts who are passionate about their craft. However, we teach it through fun characters and stories to keep you engaged and entertained. We believe that learning should be fun, and that that good content alone is not enough to curate a proper learning environment. We provide additional context and content to help provide a well-rounded and engaging learning experience.



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